Laser Rejuvenation

The Emerge™ provides fractional, non-ablative skin revitalisation with little to no downtime. It is specifically designed for the treatment of pigmented lesions and mild to moderate wrinkles.The Emerge features diode laser technology using the principles of fractional photothermolysis. Pulses are delivered as an array of microbeams to create columns of coagulation in the epidermis and dermis while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected. The body’s natural healing process then rebuilds the treated tissue with new collagen and elastin, which are the building blocks of youthful looking skin.

The Emerge’s compact size, intuitive user interface and custom preset controls are designed for quick and easy treatments.

The Emerge has three delivery modes:

  • Manual activation – for focused treatment areas
  • AutoStamp™ – for faster treatments
  • AutoGlide™ – for ease of use and enhanced comfort

The system comes with five pre-set parameters for the treatment of pigment, wrinkles and general skin revitalisation.

Multiple energy and microbeam density settings are available. Once a pre-set is selected, each setting can be manually adjusted for an expanded range of treatment parameters.

The Emerge is lightweight and compact, saving space and allowing for portability.

Although some types of pigmented lesions exist at birth, often times pigment represents one of the first signs of ageing.  That is why so many people are interested in removing pigment.  This market is about double the size of the market for the removal of tattoos.1

Using the principle of selective photothermolysis, light-based treatment targets different chromophores in the skin. Chromophores selectively absorb the laser or light energy as heat and yield the desired response.

These optimal wavelengths of light clear pigmented lesions by targeting melanin. The damaged pigmented lesions are then cleared by the body. They undergo a mild desquamation and slough off, removing the appearance of the lesion from the skin.

Laser Skin Revitalisation

The skin revitalisation market is growing every year. More people want an appearance that matches the way they feel on the inside: young and full of possibilities. These people are turning to less invasive procedures such as laser treatments.

By adding skin revitalisation treatments to your practice with the help of Cynosure’s unmatched advancements in light-based aesthetic technology, you’ll provide better and faster results for your patients, and with greater comfort. That means maximised client throughput and increased revenue opportunities for your business.

Penetrating Skin For An Overall Younger Look

With a unique combination of leading-edge technologies, our skin revitalisation light-based treatments target all three layers of photodamaged tissue, epidermal pigment, mid-dermal wrinkles, and deep-dermal laxity.